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The Second Edition includes all of the Original Features (in addition to the features mentioned below):


  • NEW!!--18 additional pages

  • NEW!!--Now there are practice sentences specifically designed to address EACH contraction individually, rather than as a group (for example, there are now at least 3 practice sentences for EACH of the Alphabetic Wordsigns, 2-Cell Contractions, Shortforms, and others)

  • NEW!!--Suggestions for ways to use this book to enhance learning

  • NEW!!--Contraction chart-list all contractions by type of contraction

  • NEW!!--Symbols chart arranged by lesson number

  • NEW!!--Symbols chart arranged alphabetically by name of symbol

  • NEW!!--Detailed Contraction Progress Chart to help you track your student's progress

  • NEW!!--Page numbers in the Student's Braille Edition are numbered to coincide with the print page number


*Examples of how sentences are written with multiple uses of the same contraction:

Grandma put a bandage on my hand. ("and" is used 3 times.)

The child will go with us. (All words are contractions.)

Louisa's shout is very loud. ("ou" contraction used 3 times.)

Ted fed Fred's fish. ("ed" contraction used 3 times.)

The dentist is very gentle. ("en" contraction used 2 times.)

I want a chance to dance with you. ("ance" contractions used 2 times.)

We got an invitation to the celebration. ("tion" contraction used 2 times.)


Contractions* and Commonly Used Symbols are covered in this order:


Alphabetic Practice (NO contractions)

Alphabetic Wordsigns

Strong Contractions

Strong Wordsigns

Strong Groupsigns
Lower Wordsigns
Initial-letter Contractions



Common symbols

Mathematical and other symbols

Typeform Indicators

Website and Social Media Addresses

*All of the contractions are covered in lessons, before they are actually used in sentences,

so there are no surprise unknown contractions ever in the book, when the student is writing

or reading.


I love how you have everything broken down …"


  • This book is available in both print and braille editions. 

  • ALL UEB contractions and commonly used symbols are included. 

  • Commonly used UEB symbols include: punctuation, mathematical symbols, Internet addresses, and typeface indicators.

  • Internet Address lessons include actual working accessible websites.

  • “Exceptions to the rules” have been omitted, allowing students to become secure with braille configurations and basic rules. 


"You have taken a lot of work away from me …"


  • IEP goals and objectives for keyboarding, braille writing, sentence writing, letter writing formats, and word processing skills using speech software and/or refreshable braille displays, can be determined when using this book.

  • The print edition contains over 80 pages of print sentences, with every corresponding sentence in simulated braille on facing pages. No page turning is necessary.

  • Parents and aides can easily check classwork/homework assignments.


"I love the ORGANIZATION of this book…"


  • The book progresses cumulatively through ALL of the braille contractions.

  • No contraction is used until it has been presented as a lesson.

  •  Sentences progress from simple to complex, making it easy to select appropriate exercises for individual students.

  • In Lesson 1, sentences without contractions allow for additional alphabet practice.

  • Next, contractions are presented by type, one lesson at a time. After Alphabet Practice, the "Lessons" include: Alphabetic Wordsigns, Strong Contractions, Strong Wordsigns, Strong Groupsigns, Lower Wordsigns, Lower Groupsigns, Initial-Letter Contractions, Final Letter Groupsigns, and Shortforms. The final 4 "Lessons" include many of the more commonly used punctuation and symbols.

  • Contractions are presented one at a time (where possible) with sufficient repetition for mastery (10-40 practice sentences for each contraction).


"My student enjoys selecting the sentences with the most contractions …"


  • Many sentences use the contraction being presented multiple times. An example of a sentence that reinforces a contraction: Ted fed Fred's dog. The repetition makes sentences fun for students.

  • All Wordsigns and Groupsigns are introduced separately, which makes it easier for students to learn these contractions. (Example: for is first used as the whole word for. In a separate lesson, it is introduced within a word, as in the word informal.)


"Your book deserves to be in the hands of more TVIs"


Variety of lessons  that are readily available to use, 

no embossing necessary. This will allow students to practice a variety of reading and writing skills.

  • All contractions are covered sequentially. Therefore, contractions are never used in sentences until after they have been introduced.

  • Once the contractions have been presented, they will continue to be used throughout the book, to give ongoing practice.


 "Many will benefit from this book …"

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