UEB Practice Sentences-in Braille and Print
"This is why I fell in love with your book... It's such an easy to use braille curriculum, and I've had so much success with it with all of my students of various braille levels and abilities."
-Unsolicited comment from a TVI-
For ALL TVIs-This book will SAVE you SO much TIME!
ALL of the lessons are ready-to-go in both print and braille. Sequential planning for teaching braille contractions is done for you. The braille book is ready to use so that students can read along with you, to you, or self-check their written work. This book is extremely "helpful and fun to use."

Simulated Braille on left, Print on right,
on ALL facing pages.
(Click to enlarge)
The following is a rational for ordering "Practice Sentences."
Unified English Braille (UEB) Practice Sentences is excellent for maximizing braille learning for students who are more advanced readers, but continue to struggle with reading and identifying the contractions. It focuses on all of the braille contractions and many commonly used symbols. It can be used for a variety of ECC lessons that are needed by blind students, including reading, writing, keyboarding, learning to spell out contractions, and writing on various electronic devices. It is also very applicable to assessing a student and writing IEP goals.
What makes it EASY to use and Successful-for you and your student?
How to Maximize Braille Learning!
Saves the TVI so much time! Lessons are totally planned. Book is ready to go-no brailling! No embossing.
Systematic and very well organized.
Easy to follow directions, throughout the book.
Contains simple vocabulary for new readers, of any age.
Also, contains new words for a blind child to learn.
Some sentences contain concepts. “Dimes and quarters have ridges." Promotes discussion.)
Double-spaced braille book makes it easier for students to track along lines, and from one line to the next line. This also eliminates confusion, since the student cannot feel the words in the lines above or below. The Double-Space book is PREFERRED by teachers, for this reason.
Rules are explained in simple terms.
Each contraction, throughout the book is introduced individually. Sentences specifically focus on the current contraction being taught.
It is easy for teacher to decide where to start. Sentences progress in difficulty level.
Can return to a particular contraction at any point for practice, if you see the child is having difficulty with a specific contraction.
No contraction is used until it has been presented. No confusion! Only previously learned contractions are used in every lesson.
New contraction is used numerous times in one sentence. (For example: “Mark will park the car at the barn.”)
All previously taught contractions are reused throughout the book.
Mnemonics to help remember commonly confused contractions (and, with, st, among others)
Contractions that are used as parts of words are introduced in separate sections from those that are used as complete words. (Ex. ch/child, sh/shall)
Teachers love the Challenges that have students read sentences that have 2 “confusing” contractions in them. (en/in) (ea/ar) (of/ff)
Sentences are usually only one line long.
Repetition of contractions gives plenty of practice in a short amount of time.
Sentences give so much practice that it becomes second nature to use the contractions.
You can easily begin at any level that you feel is appropriate for your students. Sentences in every lesson begin at a lower age level and become progressively more "challenging."
Also, UEB Practice Sentences can be used for braille reading or writing assessment, and selecting appropriate IEP goals.
Comments from the Program Administrator of Columbia Regional-Blind/Visually Impaired Program: "Our team of TVI's have used the UEB Practice Sentences and are excited to add more to our collection. Very positive reviews from everyone and we are so glad you have created this interesting and engaging practice book."
This book includes:
Suggestions on ways to use this book to enhance learning and make it fun.
Contraction Chart-lists all contractions by type of contraction.
Symbols Chart-new symbols arranged by lesson number.
Symbols Chart II-symbols arranged alphabetically by name of symbol
Contraction Progress Chart (see above)-to help you track your student's progress

(the pictures are not so great, but the chart is terrific!)
*Reasons to order the Braille Student’s Edition of UEB Practice Sentences:
These two books (Print or Braille Teacher's Edition and Student Braille versions) work especially well when used together, increases literacy. Having the ability to read the sentences in braille, gives the student much more exposure to the code, and of course, reading. This extra reinforcement will help children with both reading and writing, in a way that the print-only book cannot do. In addition, it makes teaching easy, because the preparation is done for you.
For those who are thinking of purchasing only the print version of this book, you are encouraged to consider ordering the Braille Student’s Edition, as well. These are some of the benefits of using the Braille Student's Edition:
For students who are learning to read braille
Entire braille book is ready to use. No embossing necessary.
Contains the practice sentences ONLY. No directions or explanations are included, making this easier for the new braille reader to navigate the book.
Every lesson includes ONLY the contractions that have been PREVIOUSLY TAUGHT.
Students can self-check their answers after writing the sentences.
Problematic contractions can be isolated for additional reading/writing practice.
Students can work independently to practice braille writing skills, at school or at home.
Use for computer keyboarding (typing) skills.
Keyboarding practice will address spelling of the contractions.
Interpoint braille
Can be ordered with blank lines between each sentence. Please order the DOUBLE SPACED** book
**The DOUBLE SPACED braille book was specially requested by a TVI who felt that blank lines between sentences would make the braille easier for a beginning braille reader to read, and would facilitate learning.
Should I get the single-spaced or double-spaced books?
A number of teachers have asked which books would be better for their students. In answer to this question, I tell them about the TVI mentioned above. Apparently, she was right because
most teachers prefer the double-spaced books for any student who is beginning braille. One teacher mentioned that sighted students' books have large spaces between the lines. She felt that it made sense to begin braille reading with a double-spaced book.
Recently, an adult who is learning to read braille tactilely told me that she had no idea how much easier having a double spaced book would be, for learning to read braille.
The double-spaced book is PREFERRED by teachers who are teaching new braille readers, of ANY age.
Double-spacing is recommend by the Braille Authority of North America (BANA) for use in Kindergarten and First Grade Books. This is because double-spacing is helpful in developing tracking skills, it makes tracking easier, and it facilitates reading, as it eliminates the confusion of reading two lines that are very close together.
For those more advanced readers, it might be helpful to use the single spaced book, in order to learn tracking skills that they will need as adults.
The Reviews are in!
"I am sure many will benefit from this book and your painstaking efforts will make it a valuable resource for years to come."
Christo de Klerk,
President of the International Council on English Braille (ICEB)
This is a fantastic book for any student learning Braille. It’s perfect for distance learning for both the students and parents. The students get lots of practice with the Braille contractions. Its very easy to use. I love that you can use the curriculum in different was to meet your students needs. If your looking for something during distant learning give it a try!
Thank you for making a great resource for us!
Janis Bodley
Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
Rio Rancho, New Mexico
"It's such an AWESOME book and everybody who teaches Braille should know about it!"
Jeannine Hobbes
Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Educational Vision ServicesNew York City Department of Education
Am sick of waiting for a copy from a colleague (who is hogging it) so I am buying my own!
Thanks to you for making such wonderful resources!
J Tait, Specialist Teacher (Vision)
Sydney, Australia
I definitely like how the braille contractions are gradually introduced in this edition. I think my students will be able to make more sense of it in the revised sections on alphabetic wordsigns and strong wordsigns and groupsigns.
I like that you now offer a double-spaced version of this book for students who are just starting to read braille.
Shelley Franklin
Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
Mississippi School for the Blind
The book is fantastic with quality sentences, saves teachers trawling their brains to come up with new examples all the time!!
Tricia d'Apice
Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children
Sydney, Australia
I LOVE your books, and how my kiddos are just taking off with their Braille because of it! My Master’s Degree is in curriculum and instruction, so I tend to get really excited about excellent curriculum. Yours is truly excellent!
Tamara Black, M.A. Education
Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments
San Ramon Valley Unified School District
I love your Actual Tactual books (UEB Practice Sentences)!!
I teach 11 blind students and they are at different levels.
I love how your book targets a contraction until they get it!
Holly Jeffries, TVI NBCT
Charlotte, North Carolina
I just wanted to let any other beginners (especially) know that I am finding Roberta Becker's book "UEB Practice Sentences" very helpful.
It provides lots of carefully structured, progressive repetition of basics, and having the correct braille on the facing page helps with immediate feedback and learning.
Lenore Harriman
Braille Transcribtion Student
... it was very good having sentences that were deliberately written to maximize the usage of contractions and shortforms.
Michael Badger
Braille Transcribtion Student
"... It's my favorite! It was one of the first books out in UEB and was a life saver for me. Appreciate your hard work. I can't find anything like it even now. Thanks."
And from the same person, on a different day...
What a relief to find this. I've used it every day since [I got it]. It's an absolute gold mine for my students."
Penny Kimberling
Teacher of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Kansas State School for the Blind
"Your Practice Books were very well received by staff! Very well organized. An excellent resource to support TVIs & Braille learners.
Your book deserves to be in the hands of more TVIs."
Cynthia Baker
Certified Braille Transcriber
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
Monroe One, BOCES
"I have Roberta Becker’s new book and absolutely love it!
My students like it too. So awesome!
A must in your teaching materials, I believe."
"Thanks so much for your contribution to our community!"
Martha Castiglia
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
"I very much love your book!!! You have taken a lot of work away from me and for that I am eternally grateful. My students find reading much more frustrating than writing, so many time I have them practice reading the sentences as well. They love how short they are, and I love
how they are separated by contraction learning levels."
Lupita Hernandez
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
"UEB Practice Sentences is an invaluable tool, and I believe every TVI should own a copy. As a graduate student working towards my TVI certification, it has been incredibly beneficial in helping me prepare lesson plans and units that follow a logical progression. I have used the book with a middle school student as a supplemental tool for practicing reading and writing UEB braille, and I can't imagine not having this resource.
The practice sentences target specific contractions, and the sentences within each set increase in difficulty. This allows the teacher to pick and pull sentences that are appropriate for the grade and development level of the student. The simbraille presented side-by-side from the printed text in the teachers manual is extremely helpful for quickly checking your student's accuracy, especially for new teachers, or TVI's who haven't worked with a student who uses braille in a while.
I can't recommend this product enough! Thank you, Roberta Becker, for creating a teacher, parent, and paraeducator friendly product that supports our students' learning of UEB braille."
Leslie Hagood
TVI Graduate Student/Paraeducator Trainer
Portland, Oregon
"My very first impression... I love the ORGANIZATION of the book... simbraille on the left, print on the right, and consistent labeling of the sets. I also love the way the sentences go from shorter to longer down the set. It’s a very eye-pleasing organization. I can definitely see it’s potential for use with my graduate school braille students."
Sheila Amato, Ed.D.
Adjunct Instructor in Braille, West Virginia University
Certified Braille Transcriber
"This book is great! I love how you have everything broken down into lessons and the content really reflects what they need to know for the CST with NYS. I definitely think this could be utilized with our students to better prepare them for the exam."
Yvette M. Blitzer, M.S. in Ed
Assistant Professor of Teacher Education
Coordinator, Program for Teachers of Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired
Dominican College of Blauvelt
"Unified English Braille Practice Sentences is a wonderful tool that systematically teaches students the UEB contractions. It provides sentences that are age and gender neutral with options for complexity. I have had the opportunity to use this book with one of my students and we have both really enjoyed it! My student enjoys selecting the sentences with the most contractions as she states they are more fun! I also appreciate having the simulated braille on the corresponding page - especially if and when I have any doubts about a braille rule!
I definitely recommend this book to fellow TVI's!”
Carmen Willings/TVI
Teaching Students with Visual Impairments
North Forsyth High School, Cumming, Georgia
Webmaster: teachingvisuallyimpaired.com
"I absolutely love the book. I use it with my 6th grade and 11th grade students."
Karen Palau
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
"These excellent materials are designed to show visual learners how braille is constructed using a six dot braille cell. The children will have lots of valuable practice and lots of fun using
the carefully designed materials."
Phil Mangold, 30 year Teacher of Blind and Low Vision Children
(... and my co-author of our previous book, Literary Braille Practice Sentences)
"I think your program is wonderful! Currently, I am working with a student who is in fifth grade. This book is actually helping both of us significantly!
I am learning a lot about UEB.
I did take a correspondence course. I found it helpful, but I really do feel that this program is easier to work with."
Chelsea Hale
Teacher of the Visually Impaired
Orientation and Mobility Instructor
Genesee Valley BOCES, New York
You sent me a text asking about the book you sent to me, and I have tried to figure out a short text response to you. I have realized I have too much to say, so I am sending an email instead.
I really like the book.
I like that there is the correct brailling on the left side of the book. It is very helpful to be able to check my work right away.
I like that she adds punctuation, the number sign, capital letters, and so on a little at a time instead of all at once.
I also am enjoying learning the shortened (contractions) words a little at a time. That is very helpful to my overwhelmed brain.
This book has been so very helpful. It has been a way to keep me going forward. It has been a blessing
I know this is long, but I did want to let you know as much as possible.
Thank you,
Letter from Vivian to her braille teacher, John
Braille Transcription Student
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